Government Administration – Education
Infrastructure: Data Transformation
The organization encountered challenges in reconciling disparate data versions when presenting information to both internal and external stakeholders. These issues stemmed from multiple data collection sources and a lack of system integration. Furthermore, the organization aimed to cultivate a data-driven culture by providing stakeholders with secure, autonomous access to accurate data. They also sought to leverage machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to analyze community feedback and evaluate the performance of educational centers, aligning with their broader goal of enhancing societal well-being.
Sol’s consultants worked closely with stakeholders to gather current and future Key Performance Indicator (KPI) requirements while addressing concerns about conflicting data.
This collaboration led to the identification of over 250 strategic and operational data objectives, which we aligned with our data exploration findings to ensure the client had the necessary data. Understanding the underlying processes helped us uncover the root causes of data discrepancies and develop a definitive solution.
Unified Data Warehouse: Developed a robust data warehouse on the Microsoft (MS) platform, ensuring a consistent and unified version of the truth.
KPI Models: Built and validated strategic and operational KPI models, enabling precise performance measurement.
Advanced Dashboards: Created detailed dashboards using MS Power BI Enterprise for comprehensive data visualization and reporting.
Custom Web Portal: Implemented a custom web portal for seamless report access and sharing, with strict access controls via active directory.
Tailored Data Application: Developed an application allowing stakeholders to extract data from the warehouse in a tabular format, accessible through the web portal.
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